The Habit Trainer App is now available!
The Habit Trainer App is now available!
· Don’t give yourself a deadline. Some daily habits will be easier to build than others and it doesn’t matter how long it takes to train the habit, as long as you keep up with it, you will make it happen.
· Never miss more that one day when training your habit. Consistency is the key.
· Share what you are doing with someone that will help keep you accountable.
· Go easy on yourself if you stumble, use it as a learning experience. Figure out why it happened and deal with any external influences that could be the cause, and try again.
· Once you’re able to complete the habit without having to think about it for at least one week, it’s time to move onto training your next habit!
Utilizing The Habit Trainer App
· What is a habit you want to create? (We will use posture for an example)
· Type in a one word habit cue (Posture) into one of the habit blocks
· When setting your intervals, how long do you think you can hold that good habit before needing a reminder?
· If your posture is quite bad, let’s start by setting your intervals for every 10 minutes.
· The time frame will be when you get up (6 am) until you are at getting ready for bed (9 pm)
· Now, every day between 6 am and 9 pm, you will get a vibration alert to your smart watch with the word posture every 10 minutes to remind you to check your posture.
· When you feel you are exceeding the 10 minute challenge, up your interval time to every 20 minutes until you feel you can up the intervals again.
· When your Posture habit is fully formed and you don’t have to be reminded anymore, Congratulations… can clear out this habit and start training a new one!
· You can train up to 4 habits a day
· If you want to train more habits, you can download another page of 4 habit blocks by tapping the “+” button at the bottom of your Habit page.
· If you need a break from one of your habits, just disable that particular block until you are ready to start your training again. Tap on the "file" icon in the top right corner of the habit block you want to disable and then tap on the "disable" button. That habit block will then become shaded to let you know it has been disabled.
The Habit Trainer App
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